Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1.12 - Lady in Red

Everett hauled the last of their luggage into the small one bedroom cottage he had rented them in the heart of Champs Les Sims. Amiee looked around.

“Well it’s not anything fancy and elegant…but it is indeed charming, I love it!” She squealed, clapping her hands together rapidly.

“I thought you would…you have always struck me to be more of the charming type rather than fancy and elegant.” Everett said without thinking. Amiee shot him a glare.

“I didn’t mean anything…” Everett began to defend himself.

“I know…its just fun to mess with you.” Amiee cut him off with a laugh.

Everett pulled Amiee lovingly into his arms. His eyes locked onto hers. He was now breathing heavily and tiny beads of sweat began to surface from his pores and collect on his forehead, his hands were shaking and clammy, his heartbeat –raced faster and faster until he could no longer take it. He drew in a deep breath.

“Amiee…you are the most incredible woman I have ever met in all the years of my life.” Everett spoke softly.

“Why Mr. Castillo that is very nice of you to say.” Amiee replied blushing.

“I just want you to know that…” Everett paused.

“That…” and paused again. Amiee looked at him.

“That…what?” She said flashing him an intrigued look.

“Amiee Marie Sullivan...I love you.” Everett finally spit it out. He wasn’t sure how she was going to react, he had prepared himself for the worst yet hoped for the best. Amiee stood there frozen and silent for a moment.

“I love you too Everett Michael Castillo.” She finally spoke.

After putting away their luggage Everett plopped himself on the bed, Amiee rested herself beside him.

“So what shall we do today?” She said as she ran her fingers through his soft dark locks.

“I was thinking maybe going out to dinner, taking a walk on the beach underneath the stars.” Everett replied.

“Cheesey much?” Amiee replied with a laugh.

“Isn’t that what women love?” Everett replied with his own laugh.

“I think it sounds wonderful. “ Amiee whispered as she leaned down and kissed him on the forehead.

They propped themselves up on the mounds of pillows that covered the bed.

“So what are you thinking, small café on the outskirts of town, or someplace nice and cozy?” Everett asked Amiee.

“It doesn’t matter where we go, as long as I am with you.” Amiee replied, holding back a giggle.

“Got plenty of that cheese yourself I see.” Everett replied.

“Well I learned from the best.” She said cocking her head to the side.

“Someplace nice it is then. I will let you get ready.” Everett said landing a soft and gentle kiss on her cheek.

Amiee sipped her drink slowly as Everett watched her from the other side of the table. He couldn’t help but notice how exceptionally beautiful she looked in the dim romantic lighting of the restaurant.

Everett toyed with his food as he listened intently to Amiee’s plans of visiting the art gallery while they were here. She even mentioned buying an easel and some supplies to paint while she was here.

“So much inspiration around me, I can’t just let that pass.” He could hear her faintly say.

“Everett?” She said noticing he wasn’t paying as close attention that he had moments ago.

“Oh sorry, just got lost in thought.” Everett said shaking his head.

He placed down his fork and glanced over at Amiee.

“Enjoying your meal?” He asked her.

“Very much so…thank you Everett, this is lovely.” She replied with a smile.

Everett pulled himself away from the table, walking around it towards Amiee. He held his hand out to her and spoke softly.

“May I have this dance?” He said with a smile. He couldn’t pass up the opportunity to dance with her as the song “Lady in Red” was on.

“Why yes you may.” She said smiling as she released her grip from the fork and placed it back on the plate and placed her hand in his.

Everett and Amiee swayed to the soft and romantic lyrics of “Lady in Red” when Everett interrupted their silence. He leaned in and whispered in her ear.

“Vous avez l'air magnifique dans cette robe rouge” he said in perfect French.

“Vous a what was that…” Amiee said.

“I said you look beautiful in that red dress.” He replied.

“Awww thank you.” Amiee replied and landed a soft kiss on his lips, clinging herself closer to him.

“The lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek , There's nobody here, it's just you and me, It's where I wanna be.” He leaned in and whispered, singing along with the song, softly into her ear. Amiee looked up and him, she was at a loss for words, the night had been just perfect, so she left him with a smile.

“You know Amiee, getting away from work and relaxing, fancy dinners and walks on the beach aren’t the only reasons I brought you to France.” He said softly.

“Oh really?” Amiee said inquisitively.

“Hold that thought for just a moment!” He said excitedly.

Suddenly Everett went pale and dropped to his knees.

“Oh my god Everett are you okay!” Amiee shrieked.

 A sly smirk grew from corner to corner on his lips as he bent further down.

“Everett are you okay!” Amiee demanded.

“I am fine.” He replied.

“Then get up off the floor, before all these people think you are having a heart attack!” She said looking around the room and then back at him.

 He closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath before reaching into his pocket.

He twisted his body so that Amiee couldn’t exactly see what he was doing and drew out a small black box. Nerves had sent tingles up and down his spine as he exhaled the breath and slowly turned to Amiee.

As he brought the box closer to Amiee, he knew instantly, by the look on her face, that she knew. Yet she didn’t speak. She stood there with her mouth stretched wide, her eyes just as wide…maybe wider. He swallowed hard before speaking.

“Amiee, this past year has been so amazing and so wonderful. You are everything I have ever wanted, ever hoped for, ever needed. Amiee I love you…and I have loved you since the moment that you came into my life. I spent my entire life waiting and looking for you and I don’t want to spend another moment of it without you…Amiee will you make me the happiest, luckiest, and most thrilled man in the world and be my wife.” Everett said as he slowly revealed the contents in the little black box.

Amiee, still with the look of shock plastered on her face, did not respond as he revealed the beautiful, glistening diamond from the box.

“Everett…I…don’t know what to….say.” Amiee spoke, her words broken up and jagged.

“Please say yes…and if you can’t speak, then nod.” Everett said. He smiled at her, but the longer she paused and remained silent, the more nervous he grew.

“I know it’s been a year Everett, and our relationship is still new…” Amiee said, swallowing hard. Everett nerves were now getting the best of him and he froze in place…patiently waiting…and by the look on her face…he wasn’t sure if he wanted to hear what was going to come out of her mouth next.



Qui. said...

OH MY GOD!!!!! You're so good at stopping hearts that it's unreal!

I was reading this thinking about how in love they are. Smiling each time they smile and giggled at their cheesey comments to each other. Frozen when he pulled that box out and now I'm holding my breath!!!

A day, a week, a year...SAY YES! SAY YES!!!

Liisa W said...

Oh he proposed! and she hasn't answered!
Such a cliff hanger. I honestly think I was beaming this entire chapter and when you just cut it off, my mouth dropped. You, my friend, are quite good at keeping your audience on their seats.

Again, I can't help but repeat myself and tell you how much I adored it. :)
I await the next chapter with bated breath!

Anonymous said...

I kind of wanted to reply with a "run away" answer just to switch things up and for the story to not be normal but saying yes is such a big deal!! lol, Love it NY!!! Btw, my laptop totally screwed up and Im waiting for my new one to come in, fingers crossed for each day lol! I rarely get to get on, at least as much as I did before. I miss you guys!!! :')

Unknown said...

Qui -

I wanted this chapter to be a heart stopper! I love my cliff hangers...of course she already answered him...yet I am the only one who knows!

Thank you for reading and please breathe! You have to be alive for the next chapter lol.

Unknown said...

Winnie -

Well from personal experience why my now fiancé proposed...I couldn't say much at first, I was frozen and crying like a little baby!

Glad to keep everyone on their seats...Just want to keep things interesting so that you all come back for more!

Thanks so much for reading!

Cami said...

I voted for run away because I thought it would be the most compelling plot :P

You have me on the edge of my seat though! What will she say!?

Unknown said...

ButteredRye!! -

Awww sorry to hear that! Hope it comes in soon been too long since we have chatted! Glad that you enjoyed the chapter! And glad to see that you haven't disappeared and are still around! We miss you too!!!

Unknown said...

Cami -

LOL That is why I threw that in there. It would make for a very compelling twist...Just amazes me just how much people want things to go wrong!

You won't have to wait too long working on the next chapter now. It will be a short one though!

Anonymous said...

I loved it! Such a romantic night with a perfect proposal. I can't wait to see what happens next. I hope she says YES!

Unknown said...

11dasies -

Yes it was truly romantic! Next chapter will only be a short one but will be up today!

xxtwilight19xx said...

I'm dying to scream "YES!" for Amiee, but then I would look like a bit of a fool, yelling at nonexistent sims on my computer screen. Great job on this chapter, as always.

Unknown said...

Twilight -

Haha! I am sure you wouldn't be the first to do that! I do it all the time when I am fiancé thinks I'm nuts...but maybe I am!

Thank you, so glad that you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

I voted for her to say yes. I was practically slapping her for saying for her hesitating. JUST SAY YES, AIMEE!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh!!! Oh my gosh! I am so happy!! Please, let her say yes!! (Or let the drama go on LOL)
She needs to say yes so I can stop freaking out!

Unknown said...


So it seems to be the popular choice! We shall see soon enough what she says!

Unknown said...

Anon -

Well I can't exactly control if she says yes or not so I let it all play out on its own. I will just add the dialog! You can stop freaking out...the chapter will be up in an hour or two!

Anonymous said...



LeahT said...

I knew he would propose! So cute!!! <3 :D

He should have worn his special superhero suit to impress her! I would've said yes right away instead of hesitating.

Unknown said...

LOL give a woman an inch and she wants the whole mile. I gave you what you wanted and still you want more!

LeahT said...

lol No, no, It's fine. I'm just saying... If he would have worn it, there wouldn't have been a cliffhanger.

Hugzies said...

Say yes already! How romantic to dance with her first.

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