Wednesday, April 13, 2011

1.8 Mr. Tall, Dark and Artistic?

Mrs. Littler stood upon the stage, in front of a crowded gallery room. She drew in a deep breath before addressing the spectators for tonight’s auction. There was something almost restless about the crowd, as if they had to be here rather than wanted to. Mrs. Littler knew that once the curtains were drawn, any sense of doubt would vanish almost instantaneously.

“Thank you so much for joining us tonight for this special event. Tonight’s auction is a special one, the artist is not only one of Bridgeport’s finest photographers, but is an active member in the community as well. Our Artist founded the A.R.T, Art Recreation for Teens, Program, which brings all forms of art instruction to inner city teens and pre-teens here in Bridgeport. It is a non-profit organization that gives teens a place to go, seven days a week, to explore their artistic side, keeping them off of the streets and out of trouble.” Mrs. Littler said. The crowd applauded, Mrs. Littler waited for the clapping and cheers to cease before continuing.

“The artist and his volunteers have helped over twenty five hundred teens and preteens, with that number growing rapidly. So half of tonight’s proceeds will in fact go to that program to help with expansion and cost of supplies.” She continued.

“So without further ado I present you with his display.” Mrs. Littler said as she turned toward the curtain. Waiting for it to unfold before everyone’s waiting eyes.

The crowd remained quiet until the folds of the curtains pulled to their respected sides where the air was now filled with “ooooh”s and “ahhhhh”s. Mrs. Littler spoke again.

“Our artist is not only a master of the camera, but also a master with the paintbrush, and with stonework. I present to you his newest sculpture entitled “At First Sight” which will be hosted right here in the gallery. Ladies and Gentlemen our Artist….Everett Castillo.” Mrs. Littler said as she clapped her hands and motioned Everett to join her on the stage.

The crowd rose to their feet at once, clapping and commending Everett for his beautiful work. He waved out to the crowd –humbly, as he walked on stage and shook Mrs. Littler’s hand.

Amiee stood up slowly, still trying to catch her breath. Everett? She thought. No frickin’ way……, her thoughts continued. Her face emanated so many emotions at once, shock, and disbelief. When she finally studied the sculpture that stood centered on the stage she smiled. She didn’t want to get too ahead of herself, but the sculpture sure looked a lot like her.

One by one the paintings and sculptures were auctioned off and giving to the highest bidder, until finally everything had been spoken for. They drew in nearly twelve thousand dollars, half of which was given to Everett for his program. Mr. Littler entered the stage once again to address the crowd that was now circled around the sculpture.

“I would like it if you could all join us for the after party which will be held at The Brightmore, free drinks, music and another special surprise to be announced there.” Mrs. Littler said, bringing the auction to an end.

The crowd began to file out when Amiee caught a glance of Shelby standing in the back. Amiee pulled Shelby off to the side.

“What are you doing here!” Amiee said, demanding an answer, but at the same time not caring what Shelby had to say.

“I came to see auction…shocker huh, who woulda thunk it…Everett Castillo, photographer to the models, mentor to the children and secret life as an artist…shocking huh?” Shelby said glancing over to the stage.

“Why does it matter to you anyway?” Amiee asked.

“You are the one that got me into art you know…just because we aren’t talking doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy it.” Shelby replied.

“I heard about your big promotion too…congrats…it must be exciting putting all this together…getting your own work showcased…I knew you could do it Amiee...” Shelby said.

“How do you know any of this? Its none of your business anyway…” Amiee replied bitterly.

“It’s all over the arts and entertainment section Amiee…maybe you should take some time to read a newspaper once in a while, then Everett being the artist wouldn’t have been such a shocker to you.” Shelby replied.

“Look Amiee…I know I screwed up bad…and you probably hate me, but I have already spoken with Everett and apologized to him…he forgave me and it’s all water under the bridge now…I really hope that someday you will be able to do the same.” Shelby said. Amiee looked at Shelby; this was a side of Shelby that she hadn’t seen much…she knew that Shelby was being sincere…for once in her life.

Shelby smiled at Amiee and congratulated her again before turning to leave. Amiee slid herself in front of Shelby before she could make the escape.

“And for the record Shelby, I don’t hate you…I am just...disappointed in you. I’m not saying that we could never be close again…or that I won’t eventually forgive you…I just need a little time.” Amiee said returning the smile and then walking away. 



LeahT said...

Aimee is being reasonable. I'm proud of her. Shelby did something very, very bad. She lied about many, many, many things. She made up a web of lies and she can't expect Aimee to forgive her right away. And Everett is artistic <3 How hunky is that?? I love a guy who has an ounce of creativity. <333 *drool* Please don't make him bad, Ny!!

Unknown said...

LOL Leah...but don't we all love just a little bad boy in men? He isn't perfect...not by a long shot...but just try to remember as the legacy progresses with these two things aren't always as they seem...

Yes Shelby can not expect Amiee to forgive her...after all it took Everett years to do so...maybe it won't take Amiee that long...but if Shelby wants to earn her trust back she will have to respect Amiee's wish and give her space

Thanks for reading!

LeahT said...

lol Yes, but can't he be a superhero? He definitely doesn't look like one of those.

Unknown said...

LOL it it were some supernatural legacy then maybe he could be a superhero...though I might be bringing some paranormal things into it at a later date.

LeahT said...

So he IS a superhero... vampire. A superhero vampire. I can't believe I figured it out. I am a smart cookie.

Unknown said...

LOL no vampire...just a normal human man...sorry to burst your bubble lol.

Qui. said...

Well, Everette just got ten times hotter! I grinned so hard when I saw his piece! I guess we know how he feels huh?
I'm glad Amiee ended the conversation that way. What Shelby did was wrong but it's nothing that can't be worked out.

Waiting for 1.9. I shall be up all night!

Unknown said...

He likes her...there is no doubt there!

Amiee was mature and handled the situation well. And you are completely is nothing that can't be worked out in time.

I am trying to get 1.9 out but having some issues with a few shots so it might be out tom morning/early afternoon. :(

buckeygirl80 said...

Everett is an artist!!!! Love that twist, didn't see it coming! I'll admit, I was hoping Aimee wouldn't just jump in some sort of relationship with Everett because I don't know whether he is trust worthy or not, but now that you've gone and made him all artsy and philanthropic and what-not, I think you've just made him VERY difficult not to fall for! (well, that might be because I'm a sucker for artists of every sort in general) I'm VERY curious as to how Aimee and Everett's conversation will go after this!!!

Unknown said...


I didn't want to jump right into things because...well usually things don't tend to happen that way!

And yes there is still an element of mystery to him...whether or not he is trustworthy...he does a lot of great things...but there are things that still remain unknown.

I think everyone has fallen for Everett let's hope he doesn't disappoint too much... Things are about to get a little more interesting where Amiee and Everett are concerned.

Horsesrox76 said...

Ooooo he an artist I like artists but im uneasy about him :s Im glad Shelby and Amiee have sorta started to patch it up :) AwW SIM JOB NY

Love Horsey

Unknown said...

I think everyone is bordering the "I love him...but I am still not sure about him" fine line...and that's okay...that is how I intended it to be!

Horsesrox76 said...

hhahaha i figured that one question how far are u going with these chapters for a generation? like cause ur at nine eill she get preggers at 10 idk lol I love your legacy XD

Hugzies said...

So underneath that super hot manly outside there is a sensitive artist inside. I love him all the more.

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