Thursday, April 28, 2011

Baby Names! Interactive Poll!

There will be two polls running, one for boy names and one for girl names, I will start off the poll with 3 can either vote for any from the list or add your own name to the list! Any names added to the poll will not be visible to the open public which I didn't realize at first, but I will be able to view them so they will remain secret and could possibly be chosen!


Anonymous said...

Voted :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for your vote!

holleyberry said...

I voted too. I like Matthew. it's my husbands name, and Olivia is one of those pretty names I was always drawn too.

xxtwilight19xx said...

Voted:) I entered my own names for both but my favorite names that you have are Dakota and Caitlyn!

Anonymous said...

I love Mathew!!! Dreamed of having a boy and naming him that for a while, and I chose the interesting one for the girl name!! I am pretty sure I pronounced it right (Kee-air-an) lol But I love the creativity either way!! ;)

LeahT said...

I love the name Dakota. Cuz then the short way of saying his name can be Kota! When I have a baby boy, his name is going to be Koda. I love, love, love the name Koda.... lol I love how you put Caitlyn as an option... She is going to be all over that.

Unknown said...

LOL I know! And it seems it is pretty well liked too!

Horsesrox76 said...

I feel liked LOL come on people vote for me!!! I';; be the best baby ever! haha

Anonymous said...

Lol, I really wanted to "like" Horses comment! :)

Anonymous said...

Please, please do not name her Caitlyn (if it's a girl)! I'll think of the one on Sixteen and Pregnant and my worst enemy (lol). I love the name Amelie or Aimelie. And Antoin(e) sounds so French (it seems fitting since they married in France)!

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous ^^^^

Caitlyn has the most votes as of now, so that might end up happening! And don't ya think that Amelie and Aimelie are a bit too close to Amiee's name??? I dunno that's just my opinion! But I do like the idea of the french name in France, even though I don't like the name Antoin that much. Nice idea though:)

Unknown said...

Thank so much for all your input everyone!I will be writing up the next chapter between tonight and tomorrow. Weekends are so terribly busy for me, but I will get it out asap!

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