Friday, April 8, 2011

1.5 Mr. Mysterious

The thoughts of how Everett had toyed with Amiee hadn’t let her mind since the moment that he pulled her into his arms and started the whole charade –with Shelby just steps away. Only this time the apartment was empty of visitors and she could do as she pleased freely.

Ok Everett, it is time for you to take a dose of your own medicine, Amiee thought as she grasped onto the shirt that clung snuggly to his chest and pulled him closer to her. She held him there for a moment –the tips of their noses just barely touching, her breath mingling with his in the inch of space that remained between them.

She licked her lips to moisten them and gently bit down on the bottom one as a wave of nerves rushed over her. Quit being a chicken already Amiee and just go for it! She thought to herself. And with that being said she closed her eyes and pushed herself forward allowing her lips to gently touch his.

Though this time when their lips connected, it was different. She noticed a subtle softness, yet firmness to them that she hadn’t before as she explored them with her own further. It hadn’t occurred to her that amongst her plans to do as he did to her earlier, that she would actually enjoy it as much as she was. The plan Amiee, the plan!!! She screamed in her mind pulling herself back on track.

She trailed her lips down over his chin and slowly to his neck. She could feel his body tense up and his grip clinging more tightly to her. Her job was almost done here; she left one last lingering kiss before she pulled herself away from him.

“How about that breakfast you promised me?” She said softly as she flashed him a smile.

“You can’t just…stop there…” He said fumbling on the words.

“I prefer eggs for breakfast.” She said as she placed her pointer finger on his chest and playfully drew it in circles before turning to exit the bathroom.

She left Everett standing there in the bathroom, his mind spinning in circles.

“Damn…she just pulled my own move on me…” He said aloud as he cocked his eyebrow and smiled in disbelief.

He wandered over to the fridge and opened it, examining the contents before deciding on what to make when out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the silhouette of her naked body.

He stood there frozen, unable to do anything but stare. She was perfect –from head to toe.  The morning light from the window had casted such a beautiful glow on her satiny smooth curving flesh. Instantaneously every muscle in his body had become overtaken with tension, he clenched his fists and bit down on his lip as he felt his blood surge though his veins. He quickly focused his attention back towards the fridge as she finished dressing. 

“Didn’t really peg you for the ‘Suzy homemaker’ type.” Amiee said spooning the contents of the plate politely in her mouth.

“There’s a lot of things people don’t know about me…and that is just fine by me, keeps an element of mystery to me…” he replied. To Amiee that was such a vague and odd answer that it just invited her to poke around and ask questions.

“Okay then Mr. Mysterious…mind telling me why Shelby is so adamant about me staying away from you?” She asked him.

“That’s a bit of a heavy topic for so early in the morning…” He answered quickly as he picked up his plate and rinsed it off, leaving it in the sink.

“I have to get going now…I'm already late for work…” He said as he turned away from the sink and approached her chair.

They looked at each other for a moment, in completely silence; neither of them knew what to do at this point. Do I hug him goodbye? Kiss him on the cheek? Shake his hand? Just say goodbye? Thoughts raced through Amiee’s mind quicker than she could process them.

“So…I guess I’ll see you around…” He spoke up first. He nodded his head and slung his jacket over his shoulder and exited the apartment. Amiee sat there in her chair, oblivious, she wasn’t exactly sure how to take his quick and generic goodbye. How would she get a hold of him or vise versa, neither of them had exchanged numbers.

She jolted up out of her chair and made a mad dash to the elevator, hoping she would catch it in time so that they could exchange numbers.

She was too late. She let out a sigh as she watched the numbers of the elevator slowly count down. He would surely be long gone by the time she got down to the lobby; it was no use waiting for it. She went back to the apartment and cleaned up the breakfast dishes before heading off to run errands.

It was one of the busiest days Amiee had since she had gotten to Bridgeport, running around town paying bills, placing ads for work that Mrs. Littler had asked her to do, delivering packages for Mrs. Littler, she had official gone from toilet cleaner to gopher in less than a few days. But to Amiee anything was better than scrubbing filthy toilets, mopping dirty floors and dusting artwork.

She was making her last stop of the day when her cell phone rang.

“Hello…” Amiee answered.

“Where are you???” She heard Shelby’s disgruntled voice on the other end.

“I am at the library..why?” She replied.

“You were supposed to meet me for lunch…over an hour ago!” Shelby shouted.

“Sorry Shelbs…I had to run errands for work today…it totally slipped my mind…I’ll make it up to you, I swear” Amiee reasoned with her.

“You’re damn right you will…The Grind, one hour, no excuses…tata.” Shelby said and disconnected the line. Amiee drew out a long sigh. The last thing she wanted to do was go on another all nighter…two nights in a row.

The taxi pulled up to what appeared to be an old abandoned boathouse. Amiee paid the drive and stepped out.

“This place is utterly repulsive…” She said to herself. The moment she turned and saw the food truck sitting off to the side, her stomach grumbled, as if it was saying "Hey did you forget about me!" She hadn't eaten since breakfast...and it was now well into supper time.

“Hi umm….” She said as she quickly glanced at the menu.

“I’ll have a hot dog with scum sauce and onions please.” She spoke into the speaker. She paid the worker and ate as she watched people pile into the club. Quite popular for something so rundown, she thought as she took the last bite of her dog and headed inside.

When she got inside the club Shelby was already on the dance floor making a spectacle of herself.

“AMIEE!!!!!!!! It’s about damn time!!!! Get over here!!!!” Shelby shouted at her from across the room. Amiee shoot her head, slightly embarrassed and headed over to her.

“So what were you doing at the library?” Shelby asked as they danced on the floor.

“Getting some reading material…you know you should try spending a quiet night in one time rather than bar hopping…” Amiee said sarcastically.

“Yeah…I should…but it wouldn’t be as much fun…” Shelby replied. Amiee rolled her eyes. For such a beautiful and smart woman, Shelby could be so dense sometimes.

Just as Amiee was beginning to finally loosen up and enjoy herself, she turned to see him…sitting in the corner. Sure the fog machine was thick and clouded the room…but she knew that face, the way he sat…it was Mr. Mysterious over in the corner. Amiee gasped as the fog laid thick in her throat…it was him alright….her heart began to beat quicker and harder. 

She needed to make a quick escape to calm herself down.

“I gotta run to the ladies room real quick, I’ll be right back.” She said to Shelby as she dashed off to the restroom.

She stood in front of the mirror, her hand resting gently on her forehead.

“Pull it together Amiee, you barely know this man, why are you letting yourself get so worked up!” She said aloud. As she was lost deep in thought, trying to calm herself down, she heard the restroom door shut.

“I said I would be right back Shelby geez!! I just need a moment please!” She shouted, agitated.

“Guess again…” She heard a low voice say that definitely didn’t belong to Shelby. She looked up in the mirror to see Everett standing behind her.

“What the hell are you doing in here! Can’t you read, this is the ladies room!” She shouted.

“Must have misread the sign…” He said with a sly smirk.

“You need to get out!” Amiee said as she turned towards him. Her heart had barely gotten back to the normal rhythm when he walked in, and now it was racing faster than ever.

She turned around and began to walk towards the door to exit when his hands reached out and grabbed on to her forcing her back towards him. She couldn’t yell, she couldn’t speak, or even move he had gripped her so tightly. But when his lips landed hard on hers, she didn’t want to.


Qui. said...

OMG you keep ending these on the extremely good parts!!!!! I am going to lose my mind!!!

I just can't get enough of these two and this game they're playing! It's so funny that I can feel exactly what they're feeling with each encounter!! I can't get enough of this! I am falling so deep for this legacy that it's unreal! You do such a great job with this! Love it! Keep the updates coming!!!

Qui. said...

So exited I posted before I was done!

What is Mr. Mystery hiding? The fact that he wouldn't go into details with his "beef" with Shelby is a little alarming since these two can't seem to let each other be. Hopefully Aimee won't get herself into something she can't get out of or that proves to be something she should have stayed away from her as friend suggested.

Unknown said...

~ Sorry Qui!! Hehe, I had to end it there or the chapter would have been over 40 screens long...and for me I feel would be a bit much to have people read.

~ I am so glad that you are enjoying it as much as you are, never expected people to go so gaga over it, guess I'm doing something right!

~ We all have our skeletons in our closets...but perhaps...maybe...Shelby's skeletons are much worse than our Mr. Mysterious'............................

Jillyson said...

Can't wait to see what Mr.M has up his sleeve! He seems to have a way of finding Aimee, even without a phone number...or is it Shelby he's following??? Aimee better find out fast before she loses her heart to this exciting stranger!

(pretty sure I've already lost mine!)

Everett - he doesn't even kiss her goodbye in the privacy of her place, yet he follows her to the ladies room for one? Boy, he sure knows how to play the head games!

Unknown said...

~ I was thinking what route to go when they parted at her apartment, a kiss on the cheek or the forehead, but it just seemed to typical...and our Mr. M isn't your typical I decided to go the other route.

~ He is toying with her...there is no doubt there...but it is more of a playful thing rather than head games. He seems to be very taken with Amiee and strongly drawn to her.

~ Him being at the club was more of a coincidental thing than anything...when he spotted her across the room...he just had to see her again.

~ Thanks so much for reading!

Horsesrox76 said...

My myserious eh? U certainly like to leave me hanging dont you ny haha so is he going to rape her? I hope not that would be not very nice lol or I hope shelby comes to the rescue and saves the model day aha and this is totally off topic well sorta but have u seen the new custom poses? it would be so cool if u like made shelby do them :) I was gonna download after but itll have to wait hehe L O V E D it
lov ya

Unknown said...

LOL you can't rape the willing, as you can see she is very much attracted to him as he is to her!

Yes I already have quite a few sets of the new poses and have been messing with them, and do plan to use them in Shelby's photoshoots along with the story!

Horsesrox76 said...

YAY and didnt she say at the end that she didnt want to? just cause shes attracted doesnt mean its not rape hehe Which ones did you download all of the ones of my sims blog?

Unknown said...

LOL you are reading into much further than anyone would. It's only a kiss and she threw her arms right around him and kissed him back...She may have told him to get out...but what are you going to say when there is a guy in a ladies restroom haha.

Horsesrox76 said...

hey isnt their a song totally off topic but smoking in the boys room LOL ahaha thats funny
I bet she didnt want to anyway I mean who would in toilets! for gorsh sake toilets!!!! LOL and i cant wait to see shelby in the poses XD

Unknown said...

LOL I don't think that if it would happen...would have anything to do with the toilets...some people crave that excitement and danger...they wouldn't be the first to do it in a public restroom...if they did...and I am sure they wouldn't be the last!

Horsesrox76 said...

Yes but did you know that a toilet has the most germs hahahahaha ewww germs bleh but very true we never hear of those things oover here mind you as if id want to know loool Dun Dun DUUUHHH

Unknown said...

did you also know that many peoples desks at work and home are infested with a hundred times more germs and filth than a public toilet?

LOL well now you know!!

Horsesrox76 said...

Did you know a sink has more germs than a toilet? I did hehe Learnt that atschool we were going to do an experiment on it loool bet ya didnt know that one
tag buddy

Unknown said...

Did you know the human head weighs eight pounds? LOLOL Movie reference...ok we are getting way off topic here now!

Horsesrox76 said...

well thats weird and yes we r WAY off topic so ill bring it back what pose is your fav at the moment? I like the new ones like the depressed and the cute ones LOL how much does a sim way in pixels? LOL

Unknown said...

I like the pose set from My Blue Book and the Sassy ones over at MTS! and a sim weighs 3.14159265 in pixels....hahaha.

Horsesrox76 said...

That is pi ny not there weight LOL can i see the my blue book one? I saw the sassy one can u give me link
p.s I am not totally stupid I know what pi is

Mmmmmm piiiiii

Unknown said...

yes pie is yummy...specially cherry!

LeahT said...

You guys are weird. lol

Anyways. I LOVE the face he made when she pulled his move. It was sooo funny. I laughed. And you are excellent at making steamy scenes, Ny! I think you should be one of those cheesy Romance writers with those big beefy men on the covers with the sweat all over their muscles. YUM! hehe. Okay, I'm weird too.

Hugzies said...

Must get to next chapter!! They are going to get caught if they keep this up.

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