Monday, May 2, 2011

Amiee and Everett's House Pic Spam

Outside views of the house

 Living Room

 Dining Room


 Master Bedroom

 Nathan's Room


Well there you have it a few pics of Amiee and Everett's new home. It isn't completely decorated, the small details are still needed to be placed but it is a general idea of what it looks like. Hope you enjoyed this little tour!


Anonymous said...

Aww this is so pretty! I think I might just have to download this for my game:)

Lottie1010 said...

same!! lol

holleyberry said...

It is adorably charming Jenn. Thanks for sharing.

beth1198 said...

hi my new story "autumn trees and maple leaves" has just been published. i would really appreciate your advice and feedback, if you have the time.
this is the link :
Thank-you !

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