Tuesday, May 3, 2011

1.15 And Then There Was Two

Everett leaned himself on the counter top and watched a very pregnant and glowing Amiee preparing lunch. He never understood why women always felt so unattractive and uncomfortable in their own skin when it came to pregnancy. When he looked at Amiee, he saw nothing but beauty and grace. There was a life inside of her growing, a life they had created together, there was nothing more beautiful than that.

“What are you staring at!” Amiee said as she caught him staring out of the corner of her eye.

“The most beautiful woman in the world.” Everett replied with a warm and sexy smile.

Everett picked up Nathan and placed him on the countertop beside him before resuming his position. The two of them watched Amiee as she cooked their favorite meal.

When the food was done Amiee scooped Nathan off of the counter.

“Countertops are not for little boys bums…” She said as she gave him a little tickle. Bouts of laugher had escaped from Nathan as Amiee’s fingers glided across his belly.

Amiee placed Nathan in his highchair and retired back to the kitchen to prepare his plate, when Everett yanked her into his arms. She placed her hands on his chest and tried to cuddle close to him…forgetting that lately her big belly seemed to keep quite a bit of distance between them.

“Any day now.” Amiee said rubbing her stomach.

“And I can’t wait, it’s kind of like walking around with a watermelon up your shirt…it tends to get in the way.” She said laughing.

“Well I think you are still beautiful!” Everett said as he kissed her softly on the cheek.

After dinner they enjoyed a little time out of the house at Bridgeport’s butterfly conservatory. Everett pushed Amiee on the swing as they discussed baby names for nearly the millionth time.

“I like Caitlyn or Kierann…for a girl and Mason for a boy.” Amiee said.

“Well I like Matthew and Jackson for a boy.” Everett said.

“So you think it’s a boy?” Amiee asked. Everett nodded. They decided that they didn’t want to know any details of the pregnancy…just if the baby was healthy…nothing more.

He gave Amiee one last push before they were to set off home when Amiee let out a distressing grunt.

“Everything ok in there?” Everett said to Amiee’s protruding belly.

“The baby is fine I am sure just a little jab of pain…I’m not due for a few days, I’m sure it’s nothing.” Amiee replied with a smile.

The sun had finally began to set as Everett hoisted Nathan onto his shoulders, locking hands with Amiee the three of them set off for home.

Amiee, once again, let out the same distressing noise as she clenched her stomach.

Everett sat Nathan gently on the ground and placed his hands over Amiee’s belly.

“Do we need to get you to the hospital?” Everett said in a concerned tone.

“No, no, I am fine really…the doctor said I might get these pains, false contractions…something like that.” Amiee replied.

“He said I would know when I was really in labor…and other than that I feel fine.” She added.

They got home and placed Nathan in his crib, while drawing him a bath. When suddenly Amiee grabbed onto her stomach…a strange urge came over her and the only thing she could think to do was push.

“EVERETT!!!!!!” She screamed. Everett flew into the bedroom, his feet barely touching the ground as he rushed to his wife.

“I think…I am in labor…” She said trying to catch her breath between the pangs of sharp pain that ripped through her midsection.

“Ill get the care ready.” Everett said panicked.

"NO!” She shouted.

“THIS BABY IS COMING NOW!” She screamed in pain. But Everett remained calm; they had taken classes together, so Everett knew what to do in the situation.

After a few hours of hard labor and excruciating pain, Amiee delivered her baby. Everett wrapped him gently in a blanket after cutting the cord and securing it.

“It’s a boy.” Everett whispered as he handed the baby to her. Amiee felt another pang of pain in her body. Everett knew it was time to pass the afterbirth. But when he bent down he didn’t expect what came next.

“Um…Amiee…there is another one.” He said blinking his eyes. He couldn’t believe it…twins.

“What do you mean there is another…OOOOOOONEEE!” She shouted as another contraction hit her.

“GET IT OUT!” She screamed. Everett prepared himself to deliver the second baby.

“Another boy.” He said as he wrapped him up.

After the second baby was delivered, she got cleaned up and looked up at Everett across the room.

“Matthew and Mason.” She said with a smile. Everett smiled back warmly.

“Now let’s get you guys to the hospital to get checked out.” He said as he escorted his wife and twins to the car. He called a babysitter and drove Amiee and the new bundles of joy to the hospital.


LeahT said...

When I first saw the title I was like, "OMG TWINS!" Then I was like, "No, she already has Nathan!" And then it went back to, "No, shes going to do twins, cuz EVERYTHING about Everett is super!" LOL <3
TeeHee! I'm terrible.
Anyways I loved it! I can't wait until they are toddlers and their heads are fixed.

Unknown said...

HAHA...I know I tried to be tricky with the title..thinking most people would think of Nathan and the new addition being two. Apparently you are right...everything about him is super! I am going to jump ahead in the next chapter anyway...not much happens in the baby stage and I can't stand the deformed heads!

Qui. said...

TWINS!!! YES! I am so happy for them! Matthew and Mason! Love it!
He was so sweet to tell her she was beautiful! Those words really mean a lot when you're pregnant and feel like you swallowed a basket ball that kicks you in the ribs and sits on your bladder!
All those boys! Hopefully they can have a girl to complete this family in a few years. :)

Unknown said...

Twins was the last thing I was expecting...So it came as a pretty big surprise to me. Yes...that is way too much testosterone for one house! I was lucky enough to have a wonderful fiance to tell me just how beautiful I was everyday during my pregnancy...so I had to use that as a reference to this chapter!

Anonymous said...


Twin bouncy baby boys!!!
I need a girl, in this family!!!
3 boys, we need a girl to finally add some feminine power to this household

Lottie1010 said...

awwww twins!! when i saw the first baby i was like awwwwwww so cute!! then the second one came and i was like AH ITS TWINS!! i must admit i was one of the people who thought the title meant Nathan and a new baby....silly me!! would of liked Jackson as a name i LOVE LOVE LOVED that name!!! but mason and matthew is nice!! we need for her to have a girl!! she needs another female in that house!! lol GREAT chapter, this is the longest comment i have left so it must be good lol!!! love you xx Great work!!!

beth1198 said...

twins !! awww, i bet they are going to grow up into little cuties ! But I really wanted her to have girls, but that might happen ? Haha x

Anonymous said...

AWWW! *sniffles* brings a tear or two to my eyes...What cuties they are!
I was so surprised...but definitely in a good way!

Anonymous said...

You got me! I thought it was referring to Nathan and the new baby, not twins! Not only a shocker to us, but to you as well! Everyone says they're hoping for a girl next, but there's always generation 2! I think it would be nice to have the 2nd generation based off a male point of view. You're probably the best Sims author with the male point of view, like in Where the Wildflowers Grow! But adding a girl onto their family would be nice too:)

Jillyson said...

You got me, too! What a surprise!

And you really got me with Everett, too. I was worried about him when he showed up with his ex calling the shots, but he really turned himself around into the "superhero" everyone sees him as! I'm totally in love with him now!

I love that AImee treats Nathan as her own, and I know that will continue, even with twins taking up her time, because that's just how she is.

This was a fun, sweet chapter!

Hugzies said...

Two little boys! I was not expecting that the title did throw me off. I cant wait to see how they turn out.

Horsesrox76 said...

Very cute, my crushes name is Matthew :/ he is like <3 hehe Hope Matthew is as cute as my crush Matthew hehe

holleyberry said...

Yay! Twins!
I love that they both got to use a name. Matthew and Mason. Welcome babies!
I was good to have a proper introduction to Nathan too. He's a cutie.
I love how you use that new pose box for TS3. those shots of Everett leaning on the counter are AWESOME!

Unknown said...

Thank you everyone, I am so thrilled that you enjoyed the chapter as well as the new editions! Glad to see that the title didn't really give away the surprise!

buckeygirl80 said...

Actually, the title scared me, because I was thinking Aimee had the baby, and then something happened to Everett. Whew! Glad I was wrong!!!

I'm so happy she had twins! I am dying to see what they look like! There's no way they could be anything but cute. :)

etherealdeal said...

I thought something would happen between Everett and Aimee (looks like I wasn't the only one) But phew...twins? Poor Aimee, in a house of 4 boys :P

(this is Ailatan btw)

Unknown said...

I know! She will certainly have her hands full!

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