Monday, May 9, 2011

Bonus Chapter : Boys Will Be Boys... *Legacy Heir Vote*

So here we have Matthew. Matthew was the first of the twins to arrive and is merely minutes older than his little brother Mason. Matthew takes more after his mother where looks are concerned, he has the soft features that Amiee has, yet still taking after his father with those gorgeous green eyes. His personality though is more of Everett's with a little Amiee mixed in there. He has a passion for photography and the arts. Don't let his sweet and innocent looks fool you though, he is just as bold and quick tongued as Amiee.

Family Orientated
Photographers Eye

And here we have Mason, the mirror image of his father. Mason is the spitting image of his father, and almost the opposite of his twin Matthew, looks and attitude as well. Though he has the rugged good looks of his father and all of them pretty much down to the tee, he seems to put off many people, they are shocked when they get to know his sweet and caring nature, a perfect gentleman which doesn't really match up with his rugged looks.

Family Orientated
Hopeless Romantic

And here we have Nathan all grown up. As many of you know, Nathan is Everett's first born with Anna.He takes after her mostly where looks are concerned, but again has those strong traited green eyes. He has grown into strikingly handsome young man is off studying at college to be a business major.

Loves the Outdoors
Vehicle Enthusiast


Here we have Amiee who has now grown into an elder.

And here is Everett.

And yes this is Shelby.

Hope you enjoyed a little insight into the boys and the extra pictures of Amiee, Everett and Shelby. Now on to the Poll.


Anonymous said...

I feel like it should be Nathan who is the heir...well, I voted for Matthew so bueno!

Jillyson said...


Unknown said...

I know...I would have given my vote to him too, but being that Nathan isn't Amiee's Biological son he can't continue the legacy :(.

Cami said...

I would have voted for Nathan if he were an option lol. But voted :D

Anonymous said...

Awww, I wanted Nathan!
Lol, he's such a cutie! But I voted
for Matthew. :)
This is WVBluebirdSim, btw. <3

LeahT said...

lol I was going to vote for Nathan cuz he had a cool background and we knew more about him and such... but since we couldn't, I voted for Matthew... :'( Oh well, I know that you'll do well with him!

xxtwilight19xx said...

Just like everyone else, I really wanted Nathan but that's against the rules! He's pretty sexy:) Feel free to include him in the stories as much as your heart desires because I could get used to looking at him! Haha but anyways, I voted for Matthew instead. Mason is just TOO much like Everett. We all love our superhero Everett but we need a new face around.

Bethhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :D said...

I couldn't decide who to vote for, because mason and matthew are both like amiee and everett and there both really interesting characters but i just went for matthew anyway (Y):D

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